
  •  WE have snow!!!!  I”m so excited.  That just makes Christmas even more fun.  :)   Don’t tell Tude though, she doesn’t like snow as much as me.  SNOW!!!!!


    This isn’t my picture, but I liked it and we have snow and mountains.. so there you go.

    Have a happy day!



  • Fool of the Week

    So, two Sundays in a row now, I’ve been named Fool of the Week in the Donkey Sunday Times.   This is a great honor indeed.  For all this foolishness to be in my life, you would think I might have reached my quota.  Apparantly not. 

    Today, I painted my hand pink.  Not just a drip or a swipe with a paint brush.  Oh no.. I spray painted my hand pink.  This also included my wedding ring. 

    I am helping to build and paint the set for the play  my kids are involved in.  I’m also helping with costumes.  Today, I was painting plastic grocery bags that had been cut up and tied to look like big fluffly flowers (clovers actually).  I strung up a double decker clothes line and hung about 100 fluffy balls of plastic grocery bags. Then I started spray painting them all pink. As it turns out, when you spray plastic bags all fluffed up into balls that are only hanging by a clothes pin, they swing away from the paint. Well naturally the first thing that comes to my mind is to hold them still while I spray. After about 50 flowers, I realized I had also painted my hand.  HA!  Well.. I still had 50 flowers to go, so I just finished the flowers.  What I didn’t realize is that spray paint doesn’t wash off like regular paint.  It just stays put.  I did manage to scrape the paint off my ring, but my hands were watermelon/bubble gum pink and there was nothing getting that paint off. 

    I am teaching elementary kids reading tomorrow.  Good thing those kids will think it is funny to have a teacher with a pink hand.  HA!  I did manage to get a lot of it off here at home, but I am still pink handed.  So, if someone catches me doing something, I have denyability because no matter how hard they try, they will not catch me red handed. I have a pink hand to prove it. 

    Have a happy day!

  • Homecoming

     My oldest daughter went to homecoming last night with her good friend.  They had almost all of their classes together in middle school, but due to boundaries, they are at different high schools.  So, last night was his high school’s homecoming and he wanted to take her. She said she had a great time and he was the perfect gentleman.  It’s hard to belive she is this grown up.  She is taking him to her homecoming in October.  That will be another fun night.  :)


    They are nice kids.  I am glad they had fun.

    Have a happy day!!


  • Something or nothing

    I don’t come here as often as I used to.  Why?  Well….   I’m trying to live a little less plugged in.  Sure, I check email each day and spend a few minutes here or there, but in general, I try to read more or sing more or play with the kids more or cook more or…. eat ice cream.  I am also spending time looking for work.  Times are tough and our family is really feeling the crunch.  So maybe I figure no one wants to hear about that stuff.  It is daily life.  We all have that. 

    I do miss reading about all of you or seeing you silly jokes or whatever.  I’ve “met” some fun people here.  I do miss seeing you and hearing about you.  Maybe you even miss me.  I don’t know.  At any rate, I’m doing well.  The girls are both back to school and doing well.  Hubby and I would like some jobs.  Otherwise, everything is going forward and doing fine.  :)   Hope all of you are well.

    Have a happy day!

  • Happy Sunday

    I just thought I’d throw all of you off by posting something.  It isn’t much really, just a few words strung together.  I didn’t want to give you too much of a shock! 

    Not much happening here.  Well, ok.  Yes there is.  Hubby is job hunting with a career counseling place.  I’m job hunting via the school websites.  Both girls leveled up a school.  This Friday, they both have their first day.  Big sister will be a freshman in high school and little sister will be a sixth grader at middle school!  WOW!  I don’t have a recent picture of both of them, but suffice to say, they’ve grown up some. 

    Summer is hot.  Maybe you’ve noticed that.  I’ve put in a request for fall.  I’ve actually got it on my calendar.  It was back ordered, so we don’t get it till September, but I’m looking forward to it! 

    Have a happy day!

  • Moving

    When I was in college I had a best friend named Misty.  I got married and moved away.

    When I live in Houston I had a best friend named Ginney.  I moved to Colorado to be closer to family.

    When I lived on the other side of town I had a best friend named Connie.  I moved to this side of town.

    On this side of town I had TWO best friends named Robbie and Knoel.  Robbie moved to Wyoming about 3 years ago.  Knoel moved to Alabama a few days ago.

    I can’t decide which is harder, moving or having your friend move.    Gotta say, that both are hard.  I miss all my friends!

    Still, I’ve got my family and God.  I’m thankful for that!!

    Have a happy day!


  • Hello

    Sorry about that.  I know seeing my name up on your home page probably gave some of you a bit of a startle.  I’ve been absent since before Valentine’s day.  WOW!   So here is a very brief list of some things that have happened since then.

    • Oldest daughter was in the play “Sound of Music” and it was beyond fantastic!
    • Oldest daughter had a very challenging break up with her boyfriend.
    • That led to some opportunities for extreme parenting. (That sounds like a bad reality TV show)
    • Little sister auditioned for and made the school district honor choir.
    • Her concert was really great.
    • Hubby lost his job.
    • The pet lizard from school died.
    • Oldest daughter got to be in a Civil War re-enactment.
    • I’ve been subbing in schools off and on
    • We’ve been invited to 11 graduation parties this month!
    • We’ve been invited to a wedding next month.
    • Niece in California is getting married in July.  (wish we could go!)
    • Hubby had a surgery to repair a hernia.  He did great and has recovered just fine.

    Life happens here at warp speed.  I hope all of you are doing well! 

    Have a happy day!

  • Love.. exciting and new..

    So raise your hand if that title made you sing the Love Boat song? hahaha   I couldn’t help it.  Sorry.  I just wanted to talk about LOVE for a bit.

    Tomorrow is Valentines day.  I hope it is a very happy one for all of you!    Maybe you will get flowers or chocolates or whatever it is that floats your boat.   I hope at the very least you have someone tell you that they love you.  Maybe it will be parents, or a spouse or a child or a friend or a loved one.  Anyway you look at it, I hope you have a happy day. 

    I have a picture in a frame right here next to my computer.  It has a picture of our youth group from church in it.  I think there are 25 or so kids.  They aren’t standing neatly in a row, so it is a little challenging to count them all.  I intentionally put it right here next to the computer.  I know that this generation of kids communicate mostly via technology.  When I was a teen, we talked on the phone.  These kids text and send IM’s or tweet or post a status. It is a different method of communicating, but one they are quite comfortable with using.  I put their picture right here next to my computer to remind me visually that when I’m online, a whole pile of teens are watching me.  They see how I behave and how I interact. They may not be consciously paying attention, but I can assure you they are paying attention.

    These kids in the picture, go to worship with me.  There are other kids that I know from the theatre program my girls participate in.  There are still other kids that I know from schools.  I did not set out to be a role model, and yet, I am just that.  These kids in my life are precious!  Every last one of them.  Some of them have a messy life.  Some of them create their own problems.  Some of them live a very charmed life.  All in all, it is a great pleasure to know all of them.  I see the picture next to my computer and I remember, if I want to make a difference with kids today, I have to speak their language and use the means of communicating that they choose. 

    I am blessed!  So much love in my life. 

    Have a happy day!!!

  • My kids

     Here is a recent picture of my kids.  They are growing up so fast!



    I took this about 10 minutes ago. 

    Happy Sunday everyone.



  • Top Ten

    A list of thing that have happened recently.

    1. A friend came over for dinner out with the family.
    2. On his way home.. he was in a car accident.. on our street!  No one was hurt.
    3. I had a birthday.
    4. About 20 teenagers came over for my birthday so we went caroling naturally.
    5. I got to portray Mary in a retelling of the birth of Jesus at our church.
    6. My family opened gifts from each other on Christmas eve.
    7. My girls screamed so loud when they got their gifts.. I thought my eardrums might break.
    8. It was 54 degrees on Christmas day. (for the record.. that is just plain wrong!)
    9. Dinner and games at the in laws house Christmas day.
    10. Today…. very quiet here.  Both girls are with friends and hubby is watching football.

    Hope you have a happy day!