Month: March 2012

  • Hello

    Hi everyone!  I know, I know.  I’m hardly here anymore.  I’m just too busy with life to sit down and write a blog.  Here are a few quick updates on my life

    1.  I’m donating my hair to Locks of Love in April.  In the mean time, I’m trying to round up sponsors to raise money to donate along with my hair.  The money goes to a local kids charity that helps children with all sorts of medical needs, not just hair loss.  So, some lucky kid is going to get my red, curly hair for a wig and some other lucky kids will benefit because of the money I’m raising.  YAY!!!  If you want to help, click on this link and put Donna Cole as the participant.  That would be super amazing.  :)


    2.  I’m busy driving big sister to rehearsals at TWO places because she is in two plays.  She is in one at school called “Left in the Wicker Basket, or Under the Boarding House Steps”  it is a melodrama.  hahaha  The other one is “Wind in the Willows”.  That is with the local youth theatre group.  She is loving both of them. 


    3.  Little sister is playing the cello and doing a great job!  It is fun to hear music in the house often.

    4.  Hubby is searching for a job.  That is no fun, but it is the reality.  So far he is still looking.  He had an inteview yesterday.  We will see how that all goes.


    Have a happy day!