Month: November 2011

  • Fool of the Week

    So, two Sundays in a row now, I’ve been named Fool of the Week in the Donkey Sunday Times.   This is a great honor indeed.  For all this foolishness to be in my life, you would think I might have reached my quota.  Apparantly not. 

    Today, I painted my hand pink.  Not just a drip or a swipe with a paint brush.  Oh no.. I spray painted my hand pink.  This also included my wedding ring. 

    I am helping to build and paint the set for the play  my kids are involved in.  I’m also helping with costumes.  Today, I was painting plastic grocery bags that had been cut up and tied to look like big fluffly flowers (clovers actually).  I strung up a double decker clothes line and hung about 100 fluffy balls of plastic grocery bags. Then I started spray painting them all pink. As it turns out, when you spray plastic bags all fluffed up into balls that are only hanging by a clothes pin, they swing away from the paint. Well naturally the first thing that comes to my mind is to hold them still while I spray. After about 50 flowers, I realized I had also painted my hand.  HA!  Well.. I still had 50 flowers to go, so I just finished the flowers.  What I didn’t realize is that spray paint doesn’t wash off like regular paint.  It just stays put.  I did manage to scrape the paint off my ring, but my hands were watermelon/bubble gum pink and there was nothing getting that paint off. 

    I am teaching elementary kids reading tomorrow.  Good thing those kids will think it is funny to have a teacher with a pink hand.  HA!  I did manage to get a lot of it off here at home, but I am still pink handed.  So, if someone catches me doing something, I have denyability because no matter how hard they try, they will not catch me red handed. I have a pink hand to prove it. 

    Have a happy day!